We arrived safely on Saturday. Kenya Airways was very unsympathetic about the two boxes of medical supplies we were carrying for Homa Bay. They made us pay extra baggage even though the flight was filled with people going on safari, mostly with one smallish bag each, and there was at least one empty seat. There will be a letter forthcoming to the powers that be at KA.
Saida, our former computer school administrator and now with Kenya Airways was unable to meet us as she was called on duty at the last minute. Our other 'daughter' Isabella had no money even for the fare to the airport. We are concerned about her and trying to find a way of helping her through very lean times.
On the way to Kakamega from Nairobi it was distressing to see the many fields of maize standing stunted and brown through lack of rain. There seems to have been some rain in Molo and in Kakamega itself things don't look too bad. We'll know more when we have a chance to drive around.
On a brighter note, we received the warmest of welcomes from our family who live below us and today we spent a good visit with Johnstone (studying to be a clinical officer) and Margdalene (at university studying Math & Physics) We gave them the text books we had carried and had a good chat.
The power is off officially in Kakamega on Tuesdays and Fridays (during the day) but we have had several outages in the past 24 hours. Although we have candles we brought some battery operated LED lights which have already proved useful.
Today we were able to finish unpacking. During the next week we will meet with key people who work with us and set up our preliminary schedule. We can start work on Virtues and water and micro finance without the confirmation of the Rotary grant. We'll also go out to our adopted village, Emmaloba to see how things are.
Will post some pictures if possible next time.