We had a wonderful reception on Saturday afternoon at Imulama. The dispensary has water to carry it through the dry season and the well as the back up. The community filled in the well that collapsed and planted a banana tree to grow where it will also receive the run off from the storage tank.
The Ministry of Health will now desist the threats to close thhe dispensary because of the lack of water and might even extend the facility-- the only one for several kilometres around. The only thing the community now needs is a microscope so that the nurse can diagnose problems such as malaria without guessing at the cause of the illness. We shall perhaps receive enough special donations to help them
I am posting a couple of pictures. I have some great video clips of the women and girls singing and one of the elders dancing, but I seem to be having problems posting any visuals especially video.
We go to Kati this afternoon, where we have put in a well to serve an orphanage. I don't know if I will be able to post any pictures until we come back from Christmas in Cape Town. We are really looking forward to the break.
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